5 Teachings of Martin Luther King Jr. to Remember on MLK Day

Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most well-known figures in American history. As a preacher and activist, he’s known for the work he did during the Civil Rights Movement. His speeches, letters, and other writings on nonviolent resistance have stood the test of time and are often cited by leaders of today. King’s I Have a Dream speech given at the March on Washington in 1963 has resonated for decades and is remembered to this day. However, King had numerous writings from which to draw teachings and information. At Yellow Bliss Co., we’re celebrating MLK Day with five lessons to remember today and every day.
Unity and Solidarity
King believed that in order to move forward, unity between all races and backgrounds is necessary. Instead of judging people by their outward characteristics, King called to judge based on “the content of their character.” This message is still incredibly important to stand up to the discrimination and inequality that is still present today.
In the face of oppression, persistence can seem incredibly difficult. King emphasized and lived the concept of persistence through difficulties. Continued effort to overcome obstacles is necessary and not something we have to do alone. When there is violence, arrests, and threats to maintain the discriminating status quo, we must be brave and persistently fight for equality for all people.
MLK preached nonviolent resistance to bring about political and social change. This comes in the form of peaceful protests and civil disobedience. The nonviolent resistant acts of the Civil Rights Movement have brought about much change. And there are many groups now that organize marches, protests, strikes, and boycotts to support marginalized groups and demand change and equality.
Love and Serve Others
An enduring message of Kings was to love and serve others–all others. Of course, we love our friends, our families, and those we hold dear. But we should love beyond that, extend love to those we may disagree with. While this practice may be incredibly difficult, giving in to hate would make us no different than an oppressor. Loving and serving everyone will help create the world we want.
Maintaining Hope
Hope can feel incredibly difficult when oppression comes from many directions. However, it’s important to take a step back and see all the good in the world and how far we’ve come. King’s words have inspired people to do this day and it’s his words that continue to give hope. We must continue to have hope that we can create a society where all people are equal and all change is positive.
Remembering the Teachings of Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr. is a prominent figure for his teachings on nonviolent resistance, loving others, and finding unity in your community. King had a dream of a country–a world–that doesn’t judge people and that loves others. While many parts of King’s dream have come true in the decades after his iconic speech, there is still a way to go. Today and every day, we should remember to practice the love, unity, and hope that King promoted to create a world in which everyone can be truly free.